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 Officers of the Bengal Army 1760-1834 [HEIC]
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Alphabetical List of Officers of the Bengal Army with the dates of their promotion to the ranks indicated. From the year 1760 to 1834 inclusive (corrected Sept 1837).
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Bengal Presidency Alphabetical List Army Officers 1760-1834
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219 Pages:  First Previous 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ..82 ..91 ..105 ..134 Next Last

Displaying 1411 to 1440 of 6543 results

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click to view detail Caulfield J CB Cavalry
click to view detail Chatfield John Henry    
click to view detail Cunliffe Rob Henry Sir, Bt  
click to view detail Colt William    
click to view detail Clark James    
click to view detail Cuninghame John    
click to view detail Colville Thompson    
click to view detail Cragie John   Cavalry
click to view detail Cheese John    
click to view detail Chambre Christopher    
click to view detail Coles John    
click to view detail Canning John    
click to view detail Creagh Wm Bagwell    
click to view detail Cox William Becford    
click to view detail Craig Edward    
click to view detail Cock Robert    
click to view detail Cooper Hen Edw Gilbert    
click to view detail Corbett Samuel    
click to view detail Carpenter Edmund C    
click to view detail Cock Alexander   Cavalry
click to view detail Coxwell William   Cavalry
click to view detail Craige Edmund B    
click to view detail Costley William    
click to view detail Chance Thomas    
click to view detail Cookson John   Artillery
click to view detail Conroy Lewellyn    
click to view detail Campbell Cornwallis    
click to view detail Cooke William Percy    
click to view detail Craigie John    
click to view detail Cuninghame John    
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