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 Registry Office Marriage Index 1852-1911
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Transcription of Registry Office Marriage Indexes
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Displaying 331 to 360 of 10145 results

Marriage Year Click to sort by Marriage  Year  Husband First Names Click to sort by Husband  First  Names  Husband Surname Click to sort by Husband  Surname  Wife First Names Click to sort by Wife  First  Names  Wife Surname Click to sort by Wife  Surname 
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 George Symonds Sage Priscilla Jane Clarke
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 Wiliam Taylor A. Martin Ellen Weinart
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 William Whelan Jane Berill
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 John Kelly Elizabeth Wright
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 George Sabey Mary Ann Phillips
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 William Ventris Mary Lee
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 Thomas H. Willix Hannah Steevens
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 James Gienty Mary Ann Blazey
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 Thomas Henry Hubbard Eliza Cornelia Coady
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 Walter Griffin Selina Gatty
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 John Makam Mary Ann Waggoner
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 George Cantell Mary Ann Gowers
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 John Harris Catherine Lindsay
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 William Carstairs Sophia Barstow
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 Peter MacIntyre Ann Georgiana Clark
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 James Keess Eleanor Maria Lyons
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 William Sloan Laura Clarinda Vanderputt
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 Thomas Smith Elizabeth Forman
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 John Fewkes Martha Duncan
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 Henry Simpson Mary Ann Bromley
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 William Thomas Rosamund Rachel Saaltfelt
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 John Morrison Mary Walton
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 James McGregor Maria Lasthenie Guidamour
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 Alexander McDonald Miller Amelia Brown
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 Charles Clynch Lydia Pereira
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 William Fisher Susanna Adams
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 William Chambers Hannah Baker
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 P.J. Price M. E. Thompson
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 H. J. C. Jeremiah Mary Ann Veruswancy
click to view detail 1852 - 1860 J. Dawson Mary Ann Chapman
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