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Lucknow - The Defence of Lucknow 1857
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Document Details
DescriptionThis document has been created on 3 June 2007 by Sylvia Murphy by applying Optical Character Recognition to a scan of a 25 page typescript copy of the original provided by Michael J. Mecham, on behalf of the Mecham family of Australia. The Mecham family deposited the original letter with Sydney University in the late 1940s, to provide for research access and safekeeping. In 1957, on the centenary of the Siege of Lucknow, the letter was used as the main source of a two-part article by David Macmillan, and published in the Sydney Morning Herald on 27 July and 3 August. A person by the name of David S Macmillan was Archivist at the University of Sydney 1954 – 1968 and subsequently a Professor at Trent University in Ontario, Canada.
Date Created1857-12-18
CreatorLieutenant Clifford Mecham
CommentPersons named in the letter are:
Sir Henry Lawrence
Mr Weston
Sir Hugh Wheeler
Major Case
Major Banks
Sir Henry Havelock
Sir James Outram
Mr Fulton
Mrs Banks
Sir Colin Campbell
Sir George Cowper

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