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Go to record South African Commercial Advertiser (1826-1851) South African Commercial Advertiser (1826-1851)
 South African Commercial Advertiser (1856)

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Date transcribed2011-00-00
Transcribed bySue Mackay - Marianne Mansfield
CommentSue McKay has kindly authorized us to publish her transcriptions of Family History-related data from the Announcements in the South African Commercial Advertiser. This is because they include very many references to personnel in the service of The East India Company en route to or from India or on furlough in S. Africa, which offered a more temperate climate. Also included are many officers and soldiers of the British Army regiments who may well have served in India shortly before or after serving in South Africa.

Publication Date  Saturday 20 September 1856    
Event Date  17 September 1856    
Surname  Scott    
Rank or Occupation  Lady of new Governor    
Full Entry  Saturday 20 September 1856: The ship 'Alipore' arrived in Table Bay on Wednesday afternoon, having left London on the 2nd July, and the Downs on the 3rd. She brings as passengers His Honor Governor SCOTT and Lady, the new Governor of the colony of Natal, and Mr R NOBLE, Professor of Chemistry in the South African College, who left Cape Town for Europe on leave some time since. An address was presented to Capt MILLMAN off Table Bay by those on board, thanking him for his kindness to them during the voyage, and wishing him a prosperous return to England. The transport ship 'Eveline' arrived on Wednesday, bringing detachments of the following regiments:- 2nd Regt. – Capt SQUIRE (in command of troops). Ensigns JESSOP, HARRELL, EVANS, and MULOCK; 59 non-Commissioned officers and men. 6th Regt – Ensign EVANS and HUNT; 59 men. 12th Regt – Ensigns JARVIS, READE, and JOHNSON and 34 men. 45th Regt. – Capt STACK, Ensign O’NEILL; 34 men. 60th Regt. – Ensign ORCHARD, SEWELL, JONES; 27 men. 73rd Regt. – Ensign MILES and PINCKNEY; 101 men. Royal Artillery. – Capt CONNELY, Lieuts FORD and LYONS; 40 men. The total number of the drafts is 356. All these it is stated, will be immediately despatched to the front. They were landed at the South Wharf on Thursday afternoon and appeared in good health, most of them being young recruits. As mentioned in our last number, the ship 'Eveline', which arrived in Table Bay on Wednesday afternoon, was immediately placed under quarantine by the Health-Officer, several cases of small-pox having occurred during the voyage. She, however, received pratique the following morning. By the ship 'Hotspur', which put in here yesterday on her way to India, the following passengers have arrived:- For the Cape. Mrs Major MOORE; Miss MOORE; Mrs and Miss PILKINGTON; Mr and Mrs DEANE; Mr and Mrs McINTYRE; Mr. RUTHERFOORD; Miss NEWTON; Miss E. NEWTON; Mr. McKICHAM; Capt PEILE RA; Master ROUSE; Mr and Mrs OSBORNE and three children; Mr and Mrs KNIGHT; Mr and Mrs BORRET; Mrs LEIDLER; Mrs BARKS; Mrs H MEARAL and child; Mrs DAVIS; Mr Charles HAM; and Mr T ELSON.    
Reference  CO53/11 at the National Archives, Kew, London    
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Transcriptions of 'India' or British Army related Announcements in the 'South African Commercial Advertiser
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