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 Church of Scotland Ministers C

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Date transcribed2011-00-00
Transcribed byPeter Schofield
CommentList of Ministers of the Church of Scotland who served in India and South Asia extracted from Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae

Section  India    
Volume  9    
Page no.  750    
Surname  Stewart    
Christian Name(s)  William    
Wife 1 Surname  Davidson    
Wife 1 Christian name(s)  Wilma Smeaton    
Father-in-law 1 Surname  Davidson    
Father-in-law 1 Christian name(s)  John    
Body of text  WILLIAM STEWART. Born 27 April 1910 at Cranshaws, Berwickshire, son of James Stewart and Euphemia Bertram Purves; educated at Ednam Public School 1916-20, Berwick High School 1920-1, Dalkeith High School 1921-7, University of Edinburgh and New College 1927-33, MA (1930), BD (1933), University of Marburg 1934, University of Tübingen 1934-5, University of Zurich 1935; licensed by Presbytery of Jedburgh and Kelso, May 1933; sub-warden New College Settlement 1933-4, and warden 1935-6; ordained as missionary by Presbytery of Edinburgh 18th October 1936; district missionary at Nagpur 1936-53; transferred to ministry of United Church of Northern India 1944; appointed Professor of Theology, Serampore College and transferred to Bengal October 1953. Married 17th March 1942, Wilma Smeaton, born 18th May 1906, daughter of Rev John Davidson, Dunipace and Aileen Smeaton. Publications – 'The Sacred Fellowship', Madras, 1944; 'The Church and its Ministry', Madras, 1951; the following pamphlets – 'The Christian Faith', Madras, 1946; 'The Sacrament of Baptism', Madras, 1948; 'I Believe in the Holy Ghost', Madras, 1949; 'The Bible – Its Use and Distribution', Bangalore, 1954; editor of 'The United Church Review', 1948-54; articles in the religious press.    
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List of Ministers of the Church of Scotland who served in India or South Asia extracted from Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae
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