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Go to record WWI War Diaries 1914 to 1922 in British India WWI War Diaries 1914 to 1922 in British India
 WO95/4813: 3 Mule Corps (Cavelry bde) Oct 1915 to Jan 1919 - War Diary

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DescriptionThis is the daily diary of the Unit Officer in Charge. Only Officers and Men when named, are listed. Dates and Events with a brief description of the event have been added.
Source: The National Archives, Kew, London, UK. WO95/4813. 3 Cavalry Bde Mule Corps Indian Army, Salonika Army Troops, dated 1915 Oct - 1919 Jan. [To Black Sea Troops]
Date transcribed2020-09-00
Transcribed byBetty Rudder
CommentThis project was started in 2016, put on hold for a number of years, then restarted in 2020 and completed 2023. Some diaries were short in length, around 20 pages - others were 100 to 300 pages long and required our transcribers to read through each page finding names dates and events to extract and transcribe. Almost all of these diaries were hand written (in pencil) and while under pressure. A huge Thanks to the few determined transcribers who undertook and completed this daunting task.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Khan" in "WO95/4813: 3 Mule Corps (Cavelry bde) Oct 1915 to Jan 1919 - War Diary" Surname  Khan    
Forename  Roshan    
Rank / Service no  Qrmr Daffadar 501    
Day  31    
Month  Jan    
Year  1918    
Location  XII Corps Area    
Event Summary  British and Indian OR mentioned in despatches *second supplement to the London Gazette of Tuesday 27th November 1917 No 501 Qrmr Daffadar Roshan Khan of 23rd Cav Bde Mule Corps attd 3rd Cav Bde Mule Corps    
Record Series  WO95 / 4813    
Image File  DSCF8891.JPG    
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Transcribed from images taken of the WO95 War Diary Series held by the National Archives, Kew. Pertaining to Army Units in British India and surrounding regions. Names, dates and events connected to those names have been extracted and transcribed in brief.
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