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Go to record Additional Graves & Memorials, BACSA - Mss Eur F370 Files Additional Graves & Memorials, BACSA - Mss Eur F370 Files
 Assam Cemeteries - Grave Inscriptions

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DescriptionList of additional Names and inscriptions in Andhra Pradesh State, taken from BACSA Mss Eur F370 files. Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Garo Hills, Golaghat [F370-35]. Aijal [F370-36]. Cherrapunji [F370-38]. Cinnamara [F370-39]. Dhubri [F370-41]. Dibrugarh [F370-42]. Gauhati, Golaghat, Borholla [F370-43]. Goalpara [F-370-44]. Golaghat [F370-45]. Imphal [F370-47]. Sibsagar [F370-64].

Our thanks for BACSA for permitting FIBIS to publish these new entries.
Date transcribed2021-00-00
Transcribed byBetty Rudder, Don Freer, Denise Smith, Eva Chatterji, Kerry Palmer, Robin Kinloch, Rob Wilson
CommentTranscribed from - handwritten, typed, microfilm copies and photographs of the original headstones by members of BACSA and reproduced in these datasets by FIBIS volunteers

The source of these entries are handwritten and typed pages of inscriptions taken from graves. Errors may have occurred when the original transcriptions took place. We have copied exactly what was written and in some instances you will see confirmation of name, dod, parents etc in the remarks column.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Carnegy" in "Assam Cemeteries - Grave Inscriptions" Surname  Carnegy    
First Names  Patrick    
Regiment/ Occupation  Political Officer    
Death year  1878    
Death Date  22 Jan    
Inscription  IHS Sacred to the memory of Patrick T Carnegy Esq. Political Officer Naga Hill who died at Samagooting on the 22nd January 1878. Memrial erected by a few friends.    
Notes / Remarks  Shot accidently by a sentry / List of isolated graves in Golaghat Cemetery.    
Church, Cemetery  Government cemetery    
Town, City  Golghat    
District, State  Golaghat, Assam    
IOR Mss Eur  F370/43 & 45    
Internal ref  Gauhati_7246.JPG, Golaghat_7243.JPG    
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Index of names. Transcribed from BACSA Cemetery Records held at the British Library IOR relating to India and Burma.
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