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 Cadet Register, 1825 Season - EIC [L/MIL/9/263]

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DescriptionCadet Registers for 1825 Season. Held by the British Library Asian African Studies, dated 1825-1827 reference IOR/L/MIL/9/263.
Date transcribed2011-00-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentA number of data in certain fields have been left blank. This is because they are blank in the original, or because they are illegible. Also, wherever data are followed with an asterisk (*) they are crossed out in the original. It is apparent that each Director was allocated a certain number of placements and that a degree of 'trading' was undertaken to keep the books straight!

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Brooking" in "Cadet Register, 1825 Season - EIC [L/MIL/9/263]" Surname  Brooking    
First Names  Samuel    
Age  22    
Date of Rank  1 Nov 1827    
Presidency  Madras    
Service  Asst Surgeon    
Certificate No  4 of 1826    
When Passed  3 Oct 1827    
By Whom Recommended  JG Ravenshaw Esq to Wm Burnie Esq Jno Edmonstone Cost to Jas Taylor Esq    
Director  Sir George Abercrombie Robinson Bart., Deputy Chairman    
Ship on which proceeded  Lalla Rookh. O.G. 16 Oct 1827    
Season  1825    
Season Number  4-1826    
Remarks  for a Bengal to DoM Grath? A loan repaid p. 126    
IOR Ref  L/MIL/9/263    
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Annual lists of cadets with brief details - includes Presidency, date of appointment, name of nominating Director, and ship on which embarked and so on.
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