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Go to record War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC] War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC]
 Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services C-E

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Date transcribed2008-01-31
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentEach Officer of the Bengal Army still alive and serving in 1863 is mentioned with his Career Progression and War Service

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Carter" in "Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services C-E" Surname  Carter    
First Name(s)  J W    
Rank  Major    
Regiment  late 54th Native Infantry    
Commissions  Ensign, 24 Feb 35 / Lieut, 3 Oct 40 / Bt-Captain, 24 Feb 50 / Captain, 15 Nov 53 / Bt-Major, 20 Jul 58 / Major, 27 May 60    
Service  Major Carter served with the 16th Grenadiers throughout the Campaign in Afghanistan, 39, 40, 41, 42, with Sir Robert Sales (the 1st) Brigade under Lord Keane, at the occupation of Candahar; pursuit at Candahar to Girishk on the Helmund; assault and capture of the fortress of Ghuznee, 23rd July. Medal. Defeat of Ghilzie Tribes by Sir James Outram, in Punjab Valley, 22nd September 39. At Candahar, under Sir William Nott, during the Affghan rebellion. Action of Kallu Chuk, 12th January; Kunjee Kuk, Punjwaee, and Tilloo Khan, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th, and Baba Wullee (Valley of the Urgundah,), 25th March; relief of Kelat-i-Ghilzie, 22nd May; action of Gomaine, 30th August; re-capture of Ghuznee, 5th; action of Benee Budam, 14th; Maidan, 15th; and re-occupation of Cabul, 17th September 42. Medal. Affairs with the Rear Guard in the Jugdulluk and Khyber Passes, on the retirement of the Army from Affghanistan, the same year. Served in the 54th Native Infantry during part of the Campaign of the Sutlej, in 46. When in Command of the 5th Infantry Regiment, Gwalior Contingent, in 57, advanced from Augur on 5th June with that Regiment and two 9-pounder guns of Mehidpore Artillery, to the relief of Neemuch during the Mutiny; but the Cavalry of the united Malwah Contingent, which was to have joined the Detachment, having mutinied and murdered all their European Officers and attacked Augur (which was insufficiently protected), he hastened back, and by a forced march of 58 miles in 27 hours, reached and secured that station on the 9th. For this service received the thanks of the Government of India, and Brevet-Majority. Appointed District Staff Officer to the Saharunpore and Moozuffernugger Field Force under Colonel Baird Smith, in January 58, and the following April to the Commissariat charge of the Roorkie Field Force, under Brigadier-General Sir John Jones, K.C.B., for service in Rohilcund. Actions of Bagawalla, 17th; Nugeena, 21st; and relief of Moradabad, 25th April; action on the Dojora, 5th; assault and capture of Bareilly, 6th; attack and bombardment of Shajehanpore, defeat of the rebels, and relief of the Garrison, 11th May; action of Bunnai, and pursuit of the rebels to, and destruction of, the Fort of Mohumdee. Repeatedly brought to favorable notice in Sir John Jones Despatches. Medal    
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Each Officer in the Bengal Army still alive in 1863 is mentioned together with his promotion progression and War Services.
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