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Go to record Madras Military Female Asylum 1839 Madras Military Female Asylum 1839
 Madras Military Female Asylum

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Date transcribed2001-08-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that data available for each of the girls are not the same. This is a compilation of three sets of data

A. Girls who left the Asylum between 1829 & 1838

B. Girls Attending the Asylum in 1839

C. 'Poonamallee' Girls attending the Asylum in 1839

(Poonamalle Girls were transferred in 1826 from the separate asylum in Poonamallee for orphans of soldiers of the British Army)

First Name  Elizabeth    
Surname  Ryan    
Status of Girl  Parents proceeded to England, or are living in this country - and is Legitimate.    
Father  Wm.    
Father  Ryan    
Father  Private    
Father  H. M. 57th Regt.    
Status of Father  Alive    
List in Which Girl  Children of European Officers and Soldiers of the King's and Company's Service attending the Asylum in 1839    
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A transcription of details of several hundred orphaned girls attending the Madras Military Female Asylum in 1839. This includes some details of girls who had left the establishment between 1829 and 1838.

The records have been transcribed from those found in India Office Records Collection F/4/1855 Coll. 78480
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