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Go to record Royal Artillery Muster Rolls 1748 Royal Artillery Muster Rolls 1748
 Royal Regiment of Artillery, Maj John Goodyers Company - Musters

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Date transcribed2008-10-31
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentMajor John Goodyer's Company of the Royal Regiment of Artillery was sent to India with Admiral Boscawen's Fleet in 1748 to fight the French who had captured Fort St. George two years earlier.

Unfortunately, John Goodyer died from wounds received at the siege of Pondicherry. However, although the majority of these soldiers returned to England when hostilities against the French were ended in 1748, 24 of these artillerymen remained in India and helped to raise the first three Artillery Companies of the East India Company.

Two of these soldiers appear in the first surviving Muster List of the Madras Army taken in 1762. Captain John Eley was a Matross in Goodyer's Company and Serjeant William Parsons had been a Gunner in Goodyer's Company. It is hoped that others may be identified in the future.

Rank  Gunner    
First Name(s)  Jasper    
Surname  Cater    
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Muster Rolls of Royal Artillery in India
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