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Decrees of High Court of Chancery
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The listing is of decrees made by the High Court of Chancery in London as reported on the official London Gazette, available online at https://www.thegazette.co.uk .
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Decrees of the High Court of Chancery, London, 1748-1881
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 472 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First names Click to sort by First names  Rank Click to sort by Rank  London Gazette date Click to sort by London  Gazette date 
click to view detail Ahmuty Thomas Arthur Staples Lieut.-colonel 21 July 1840
click to view detail Amherst William Kerrill Esq. 15 May 1802
click to view detail Amies John   2 Dec 1828
click to view detail Amies John   5 Dec 1828
click to view detail Amies John Private 30 Aug 1831
click to view detail Anderson Thomas Merchant 20 May 1800
click to view detail Anderson Andrew Major General 23 Jan 1829
click to view detail Arnold George Lieut.-colonel 16 July 1830
click to view detail Austin James   11 Jan 1806
click to view detail Awdry John Rowlandson Seaman 22 Mar 1861
click to view detail Ayres Elnathan Shipwright 25 Jan 1817
click to view detail Bacon George William Esq. 11 Aug 1865
click to view detail Bagot Alexander Colonel 30 June 1876
click to view detail Baillie Lamington Lieut.-colonel 15 June 1819
click to view detail Baker Thomas Livery stablekeeper 11 Apr 1843
click to view detail Baker Benjamin Lieut.-colonel 13 Mar 1857
click to view detail Barber Arthur Acland   16 Dec 1806
click to view detail Barber Charles Esq. 18 Aug 1801
click to view detail Barber Charles Esq. 18 Aug 1801
click to view detail Barker John Commander 18 Sept 1840
click to view detail Barlow Nathaniel Esq. 9 April 1799
click to view detail Barnett Thomas   2 July 1861
click to view detail Barr John Turnly Colonel 27 Jan 1874
click to view detail Barwell James Richard Sub Treasurer 4 Feb 1845
click to view detail Barwise James South Indigo planter 1 Oct 1847
click to view detail Baskett William Coffee and indigo planter 21 Aug 1849
click to view detail Bate James Craig Brevet Major 17 Sept 1858
click to view detail Bayldon Richard Major 10 Nov 1846
click to view detail Bayne John Esq. 1 Apr 1797
click to view detail Beagin William George Captain 21 Feb 1854
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