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War Veterans Coronation Dinner Nottingham, 20 June 1911
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Book Title: Souvenir book for the War Veterans Coronation Dinner, Empress Rink, Nottingham, illustrated with photographs from the Crimean War, by H Seely Whitby, Hon Secy Nottingham and Notts. Crimean and Indian Mutiny Veterans Association. Published 1911, printed by E Brown and Co, Nottingham.
Reference: Part of the RAMC Muniments Collection [RAMC/1831]. Book can be downloaded at Source: Wellcome Collection https://wellcomecollection.org/works/v5sytn9v
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List of Medal Recipients, Crimean War - Veterans Coronation Dinner 1911
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click to view detail BALL Joseph G Royal Navy
click to view detail BAILEY Frederick Royal Navy
click to view detail BAUSOR Henry Royal Navy
click to view detail CAMPION James Royal Navy
click to view detail CHAMPION Chas. E. Royal Navy
click to view detail CLARKE John C. Royal Navy
click to view detail CORBETT George C. Royal Navy
click to view detail ELLIS Frank Royal Navy
click to view detail GLEW James Royal Navy
click to view detail GOULD William Royal Navy
click to view detail HEDDERSHAW George Royal Navy
click to view detail HOLT William H. Royal Navy
click to view detail HOWARD John W. Royal Navy
click to view detail JOHNSON Herbert Royal Navy
click to view detail PROCTOR Turton Royal Navy
click to view detail WALKER Chas. Royal Navy
click to view detail WARDLE G. Henry Royal Navy
click to view detail WEBSTER Joseph Royal Navy
click to view detail WRIGHT George I. Royal Navy
click to view detail WEST Fred C. Royal Navy
click to view detail SLINGSBY Thomas 1st Life Guards
click to view detail BIRD W. H. Royal Horse Artillery
click to view detail CAVE G. Royal Horse Artillery
click to view detail CONDUIT William Royal Horse Artillery
click to view detail ELLIOTT William Royal Horse Artillery
click to view detail FORDER Victor H. Royal Horse Artillery
click to view detail HAMBURY James Royal Horse Artillery
click to view detail HASLAM Herbert Royal Horse Artillery
click to view detail HOLMES Benjamin Royal Horse Artillery
click to view detail HOWELL Henry Royal Horse Artillery
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