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 CMB & Other Data from Original Indian Sources
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Please Note that we reproduce here a dataset of brief details extracted from a series of photographs taken by Malcolm Speirs from a variety of sources in Allahabad, Lucknow and Moradabad. They are in the form of an index to a large series of photographs in Malcolm's possession. We can provide up to 6 copies of these photographs free to FIBIS members.We can also supply copies to non-members for a small donation. FIBIS members can order more than 6 copies, but we ask that you please make a donation.


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CMB & Other Data from Original Indian Sources - 1
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1250 Pages:  First Previous 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 ..797 ..826 ..873 ..967 Next Last

Displaying 20491 to 20520 of 37495 results

Christian names Click to sort by Christian names  Surname Click to sort by Surname  City Click to sort by City  Year Click to sort by Year 
click to view detail Benjamin Paul Lucknow 1910
click to view detail Leonard Bonny Lucknow 1910
click to view detail Benjamin Clarkson Lucknow 1910
click to view detail Peter Damian Godinho Lucknow 1910
click to view detail Jack Haskett Lucknow 1910
click to view detail Lionel E. Rayman Lucknow 1910
click to view detail William E. Rayman Lucknow 1910
click to view detail John W. Simon Lucknow 1911
click to view detail John L. Roberts Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Joseph Lobo Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Manuel Lobo Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Edgar D'Cruze Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Arthur D'Cruze Lucknow 1911
click to view detail George N. Clements Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Denzil Cowper Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Rufus L. Kelly Lucknow 1911
click to view detail George S. O'Brien Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Ulric G. Williamson Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Dudley Williamson Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Mervyn Yates Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Robert Bruce Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Albert G. Bruce Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Benjamin Joachim Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Leonard Joachim Lucknow 1911
click to view detail George Hurley Lucknow 1911
click to view detail William Matcher Lucknow 1911
click to view detail George R. Williams Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Edlin Williamson Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Gerald Cray Lucknow 1911
click to view detail Barnabas Phillips Lucknow 1912
1250 Pages:  First Previous 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 ..797 ..826 ..873 ..967 Next Last
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