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 CMB & Other Data from Original Indian Sources
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Please Note that we reproduce here a dataset of brief details extracted from a series of photographs taken by Malcolm Speirs from a variety of sources in Allahabad, Lucknow and Moradabad. They are in the form of an index to a large series of photographs in Malcolm's possession. We can provide up to 6 copies of these photographs free to FIBIS members.We can also supply copies to non-members for a small donation. FIBIS members can order more than 6 copies, but we ask that you please make a donation.


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Displaying 511 to 540 of 27643 results

Year Click to sort by Year  Man's First Name Click to sort by Man  Woman's First Name Click to sort by Woman  Surname Click to sort by Surname  City Click to sort by City 
click to view detail 1900 Mr. H.   Anthony Lucknow
click to view detail 1936 Mr. J.   Anthony Cawnpore
click to view detail 1936 Mr. J.   Anthony Jhansi
click to view detail 1938 Mr. J.   Anthony Jhansi
click to view detail 1911 n.s n.s Anthony Lucknow
click to view detail 1934 Nicholas   Anthony Allahabad
click to view detail 1937 O.W.E.   Anthony Dinapore
click to view detail 1904 Paulina   Anthony Allahabad
click to view detail 1945 Peter   Anthony Allahabad
click to view detail 1904 Richard L. Marion Anthony Lucknow
click to view detail 1916 Stowell Thomas Florence Elisabeth Anthony Lucknow
click to view detail 1914 Sydney Blaise Margaret Aileen Anthony Allahabad
click to view detail 1913 Sydney Blasé Margaret Eileen Anthony Calcutta / Allahabad
click to view detail 1938 T.   Anthony Mirzapore
click to view detail 1912 Theophilus Elizabette Anthony Lucknow
click to view detail 1926 V.   Anthony Cawnpore
click to view detail 1930 V.   Anthony Cawnpore
click to view detail 1943 Vivian Oswald Theodore   Anthony Cawnpore
click to view detail 1887   Anna Anthony Allahabad
click to view detail 1896     Anthony Allahabad
click to view detail 1903     Anthony Allahabad
click to view detail 1903   Mrs. Anthony Ghoorhi
click to view detail 1915   Mrs. Anthony Cawnpore
click to view detail 1915   Mrs. Anthony Cawnpore
click to view detail 1917   Mrs. Anthony Cawnpore
click to view detail 1918   Mrs. E. Anthony Mahgaon
click to view detail 1919   Juliana Anthony Allahabad
click to view detail 1924   Suzan Anthony Faizabad
click to view detail 1924     Anthony Lucknow
click to view detail 1932   Mrs. M. Anthony CM
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