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 South East Asia and Japan
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Index of burials recorded in BACSA`s Cemetery Record Books relating to India and Burma.

Many of these books are still in print and sometimes contain more information, for example the text of an inscription, than is given here. Should you wish to order a copy write to Bacsa Books, 26 Northchurch Terrace, London, N1 4EG, or email bacsabooks@bacsa.org.uk.

All the books can be consulted at the British Library.
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South East Asia and Japan Cemetery Record Books
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477 Pages:  First Previous 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 ..298 ..309 ..328 ..365 Next Last

Displaying 7561 to 7590 of 14298 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  Forename(s) Click to sort by Forename(s)  Date of death Click to sort by Date of death 
click to view detail Lo Po Jacob 1846
click to view detail Loath John 31 Jan 1787.
click to view detail Lobo Matthias 1900
click to view detail Locashanlea F. 07 Feb 1921.
click to view detail Loch James 1838
click to view detail Lock John 04 Jul 1888.
click to view detail Lock Low Tiang 1941 - 45
click to view detail Lock George 1942
click to view detail Lockbourne Thos. 27 Nov. 1810
click to view detail Locke P.V. 13 Jul 1911.
click to view detail Lockhard George 19 Nov 1712.
click to view detail Lockhart Thomas 10 Jun 1765.
click to view detail Lockhart Robt 1784
click to view detail Lockwood Sarah Sophia 1836
click to view detail Lockwood Stanley roy 1942
click to view detail Lockyer F.G.E. 1873
click to view detail Lockyer H.A. 1873
click to view detail Lockyer Percy George 1945
click to view detail Locoshanaka   23 Nov 1925.
click to view detail Loden Richard Grieve 19 Jun 1924.
click to view detail Loder-Symonds Robert Guy 1945
click to view detail Lodhilden N.J. 21 Feb 1878.
click to view detail Loebig Charles 13 Jun 1992.
click to view detail Loffler Diedrich Carl 14 Apr 1920.
click to view detail Loffler Ernst Ludwig 03 Dec 1917.
click to view detail Loft Peter William 1976
click to view detail Loftie Johanna 30 Jan. 1810
click to view detail Loftie Johanna 30 Jan. 1810
click to view detail Loftus Amy Maria 31 Mar 1927.
click to view detail Loftus K. 14 Jun 1890.
477 Pages:  First Previous 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 ..298 ..309 ..328 ..365 Next Last
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