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 Bengal & Agra Dir, Bengal Alm, Bengal Dir, Calcutta Annual, New Calcutta Dir, Calcutta Cal - Periodicals
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These records show notices of people arriving in, and departing from Bengal. They are taken from various publications including the Bengal Almanac, Bengal Directory, Calcutta Annual Register, Calcutta Directory, Calcutta Calendar and Samuel Smith & Co Bengal & Agra Directory.
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New Calcutta Directory, 1858 - Departures
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Displaying 2011 to 2040 of 2293 results

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click to view detail Nov-15 1858 Asia     No Passengers
click to view detail Nov-15 1858 Caromandel     No Passengers
click to view detail Nov-15 1858 Fatel Curreem     No Passengers
click to view detail Nov-15 1858 Alnwick Castle     No Passengers
click to view detail Nov-15 1858 Pudsey Dawson     No Passengers
click to view detail Nov-17 1858 Heversham     No Passengers
click to view detail Nov-17 1858 Majestic     No Passengers
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Maria Hay     No Passengers
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mrs.   Duka
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Miss   Carr
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mrs.   Murray
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mrs.   Muir
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Col.   Mundy
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mr. J.F. Strong
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mr.   Martin
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mr.   Kelsey
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mr. G. Barnes
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Rev. F. Camillus
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mrs.   Jones
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Miss   Collins
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mrs.   Rozario
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mrs. E. Macllesfield
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mrs.   D'Cruz
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mr. C. Alexander
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mr.   Pitts
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mrs.   Pitts
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mr.   Benson
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mrs.   Benson
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Capt.   Morgan
click to view detail Nov-18 1858 Nubia Mrs.   Middleton
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