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 Bombay Times - Newspaper
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Arrivals and departure notices extracted from the Bombay Times newspaper.

PLEASE NOTE: Accuracy of name spelling in the arrival and departure notices is variable. Any errors will almost definitely be due to an error on the Bombay Times part and not a transcription error.
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Bombay Times, 1847 - Arrivals
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Displaying 2491 to 2520 of 3118 results

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click to view detail 23 Oct 1847 Stubb   Cornet HM 3 LI Drgns
click to view detail 23 Oct 1847 St George TB Cornet HM 3 LI Drgns
click to view detail 23 Oct 1847 McQueen   Cornet HM 3 LI Drgns
click to view detail 23 Oct 1847 Lacey TS Esq Asst-Surgn
click to view detail 23 Oct 1847 Durrand Carey Mr
click to view detail 23 Oct 1847 Ogilvie   Mrs
click to view detail 23 Oct 1847 Clapham   Mrs
click to view detail 30 Oct 1847 Threshie O Capt Cmsrt Dept
click to view detail 30 Oct 1847 Burke   Lieut Engr Dept
click to view detail 30 Oct 1847 Gordon   Mr Acting Mster IN
click to view detail 30 Oct 1847 French   Mr Acting 2 Mstr IN
click to view detail 30 Oct 1847 Thomas   Mr Purser's Stwrd IN
click to view detail 24 Oct 1847 Somerville   Mr
click to view detail 24 Oct 1847 Grant J Mr
click to view detail 25 Oct 1847 Gray   Maj. H.M. 29th Regt
click to view detail 25 Oct 1847 Todd   Capt. H.M. 14th Dragoons
click to view detail 25 Oct 1847 Henderson   Dr. H.M. 3rd Dragoons
click to view detail 25 Oct 1847 Henderson   Ensign. H.M. 29th Regt
click to view detail 25 Oct 1847 Henderson James Robert Sale Cadet Madras
click to view detail 25 Oct 1847 Boyd   Cornet. H.M. 14th Dragoons
click to view detail 25 Oct 1847 Lloyd   Cornet. H.M. 14th Dragoons
click to view detail 25 Oct 1847 Edwards   Cornet. H.M. 14th Dragoons
click to view detail 25 Oct 1847 Barrett   Cornet. H.M. 14th Dragoons
click to view detail 25 Oct 1847 Miles J Volunteer Pilot Svc
click to view detail 25 Oct 1847 Adams James H Mr. Supercargo
click to view detail 25 Oct 1847 Martina T Charles. Clerk
click to view detail 1 Nov 1847 Evezard   Lieut. 22nd N.I.
click to view detail 1 Nov 1847 Wallace   Mrs
click to view detail 28 Oct 1847 Douglas   Mrs
click to view detail 6 Nov 1847 Stewart W Mr
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