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 Cadet Papers - HEIC
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Cadet Papers, application forms and petitions and so on, to satisfy age regulations, forwarded to East India House when a cadets appointment was under consideration.
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Cadet Papers, Applications 1789-1860 - Index of names
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626 Pages:  First Previous 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 ..400 ..414 ..437 ..485 Next Last

Displaying 10261 to 10290 of 18773 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First Names Click to sort by First  Names  Seasons Click to sort by Seasons 
click to view detail Lumsdaine John Charles 1821-22
click to view detail Lumsdaine John 1789-99
click to view detail Lumsdaine William Lionel Rawson 1844-45
click to view detail Lumsdaine William Lionel Rawson 1845-46
click to view detail Lumsdaine William 1806-07
click to view detail Lumsden David 1826-27
click to view detail Lumsden Harry Burnett 1837-38
click to view detail Lumsden Henry William 1843-44
click to view detail Lumsden James 1800-01
click to view detail Lumsden John Richard 1824-25
click to view detail Lumsden John Tower 1841-42
click to view detail Lumsden Peter Stark 1845-46
click to view detail Lumsden Thomas 1804-05
click to view detail Lumsden Walter 1851-52
click to view detail Lumsden Walter 1853-54
click to view detail Lumsden William Henry 1847-48
click to view detail Luscombe William Pinsent 1829-30
click to view detail Lushington James Law 1789-99
click to view detail Lushington James Stephen 1819-20
click to view detail Lushington Matthew 1826-27
click to view detail Lushington Richard Henry 1826-27
click to view detail Luttrell Thomas 1808-09
click to view detail Lutwidge Skivington 1789-99
click to view detail Luxford John Bellamy Bowes 1806-07
click to view detail Luxmoore Coryndon Thomas Putt 1856-57
click to view detail Luyken Joseph Hugh Mills 1817-1818
click to view detail Lyall Andrew 1800-01
click to view detail Lyall John 1789-99
click to view detail Lyall Walter Tschudi 1848-49
click to view detail Lyall William Hearle 1847-48
626 Pages:  First Previous 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 ..400 ..414 ..437 ..485 Next Last
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