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 Cadet Papers - HEIC
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Cadet Papers, application forms and petitions and so on, to satisfy age regulations, forwarded to East India House when a cadets appointment was under consideration.
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Cadet Papers, Applications 1789-1860 - Index of names
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626 Pages:  First Previous 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 ..435 ..447 ..467 ..507 Next Last

Displaying 11581 to 11610 of 18773 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First Names Click to sort by First  Names  Seasons Click to sort by Seasons 
click to view detail Miller William 1841-42
click to view detail Miller William 1859-60
click to view detail Millett Arthur Hill 1847-48
click to view detail Millett Cecil George 1858-59
click to view detail Millett Hugh Ley 1851-52
click to view detail Millett Montague 1856-57
click to view detail Milligan George 1841-42
click to view detail Millingchamp Charles 1789-99
click to view detail Millingen Horace 1817-1818
click to view detail Mills Arthur Samuel 1837-38
click to view detail Mills Charles Earnest 1823-24
click to view detail Mills Charles Edward 1844-45
click to view detail Mills Charles Moffatt 1859-60
click to view detail Mills Charles 1807-08
click to view detail Mills Daniel Elias 1823-24
click to view detail Mills Frederick 1836-37
click to view detail Mills George Hardyman 1819-20
click to view detail Mills George Longley 1848-49
click to view detail Mills Henry 1840
click to view detail Mills James 1818-19
click to view detail Mills John 1808-09
click to view detail Mills John 1818-19
click to view detail Mills Thomas Milliken 1819-20
click to view detail Mills William Newbolt 1834-35
click to view detail Mills William Thomas 1850-51
click to view detail Mills William 1855-56
click to view detail Millward John 1789-99
click to view detail Milman Everard Stepney 1847-48
click to view detail Milne Archibald 1810-11
click to view detail Milne Edward Mountford 1826-27
626 Pages:  First Previous 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 ..435 ..447 ..467 ..507 Next Last
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