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 Cadet Papers - HEIC
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Cadet Papers, application forms and petitions and so on, to satisfy age regulations, forwarded to East India House when a cadets appointment was under consideration.
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Cadet Papers, Applications 1789-1860 - Index of names
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626 Pages:  First Previous 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 ..445 ..457 ..475 ..513 Next Last

Displaying 11971 to 12000 of 18773 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First Names Click to sort by First  Names  Seasons Click to sort by Seasons 
click to view detail Mosley William Feilden 1856-57
click to view detail Moss George 1817-1818
click to view detail Mostyn John Salusbury 1817-1818
click to view detail Mottet Arthur Charles 1858-59
click to view detail Mottet Edward Adolphe 1846-47
click to view detail Mottet Gustave Henry 1849-50
click to view detail Mottet Henry Edward 1850-51
click to view detail Mouat James Anburey 1826-27
click to view detail Moubray Richard Hussey Charles 1827-28
click to view detail Moule John 1809-10
click to view detail Moules Henry Scoley 1859-60
click to view detail Moultrie William 1824-25
click to view detail Mountford Francis 1807-08
click to view detail Mountjoy John William 1841-42
click to view detail Mowatt George Squire 1822-23
click to view detail Mowatt John Lealand 1817-1818
click to view detail Mowbray George Cranstoun 1837-38
click to view detail Moxon George Gill 1839-40
click to view detail Moxon Julius 1853-54
click to view detail Moxon Philip 1840-41
click to view detail Moxon Thomas 1852-53
click to view detail Moxon William 1799-1800
click to view detail Moyle Charles Augustus 1839-40
click to view detail Moyle Henry Richard Connell 1840-41
click to view detail Moyle John Grenfell 1839-40
click to view detail Moyle John Grenfell 1839-40
click to view detail Muatt George Alexander 1789-99
click to view detail Muatt George Alexander 1789-99
click to view detail Mudge Charles Paul 1789-99
click to view detail Mudge John 1815-1817
626 Pages:  First Previous 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 ..445 ..457 ..475 ..513 Next Last
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