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 St Andrews Church (Kirk), Calcutta
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From various sources. Transcription from publications and photographs. St Andrews Church (also known as the Kirk) is the only Scottish church in Calcutta/Kolkata. St Andrews is also the custodian of the Scottish Cemetery on Karaya Road, Calcutta/Kolkata.
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St Andrews Church, Calcutta Memorial Inscriptions - FHT2015
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 154 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First names Click to sort by First names  Rank/ Title Click to sort by Rank/ Title  Death year Click to sort by Death year 
click to view detail Ogilvie James DD 1871
click to view detail Clark William Hugh   1899
click to view detail Booth R J Lieutenant 1920
click to view detail Walker R C 2 Lieutenant 1924
click to view detail McLean R B Lieutenant 1927
click to view detail Wheeler J A Arm/S/Sgt 7578846 1825
click to view detail McCann J Private 62408 1920
click to view detail Saul J Private 43797 1920
click to view detail Mockford F Private 3123842 1921
click to view detail Buddy J Private 3123506 1921
click to view detail Turner T Private 3123756[or 8] 1921
click to view detail Lonie T L/Corpl 3123711 1921
click to view detail Owen G Private 6462590 1922
click to view detail Buchanan J Private 3122787 1922
click to view detail Eadie J Private 3122538 1922
click to view detail Myford J W Private 3122624 1922
click to view detail Ritchie J Private 3123427 1922
click to view detail Howlett A E Private 3123253 1923
click to view detail Dennison T Private 3124519 1923
click to view detail Gilliland S Fusilier 3122223 1923
click to view detail Roberts E Fusilier 4182130 1924
click to view detail Graham P Fusilier 3122898 1924
click to view detail Cruddas J Fusilier 3124535 1924
click to view detail Ralston W Fusilier 3125438 1924
click to view detail Spong? or Springer? J? Fusilier 3122865 1924
click to view detail Havler? A Fusillier 3122176 1925
click to view detail Macaulay W P Fusillier 7870714 1925
click to view detail Murray G Drummer 3123264 1926
click to view detail Johnston R Fusillier 768944 1926
click to view detail Withers? G Fusillier 5877862 1927
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