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 Contract and Agreements - Uncovenanted Civil - IOR/L/F/8/ series
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Contracts are listed under India Office Records BL Ref: L/F/8/1 to 5 in groups of 100.
A list of uncovenanted Civil Servants working under contract to the EIC (before 1859) and the Secretary of State for India (after 1859). These persons were employed for certain duties such as those in Civil Engineering, Telegraph duties, and Indian State Railways.
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Index to Contracts Agreements 1853-1897 - Uncovenanted Civil - IOR Z/L/F/8/1
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 1090 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First Names Click to sort by First  Names  Company Click to sort by Company  Contract date Click to sort by Contract date 
click to view detail Andrew [Henry?]   [Jan?] 1855
click to view detail Armstrong Thomas William   24 Jan 1855
click to view detail Atkinson Charles   14 Apr 1855
click to view detail Allen Emanuel   27 Aug 1855
click to view detail Armstrong John Philip   7 Jun 1859
click to view detail Ashdown William   23 Jul 1860
click to view detail Asher Edward Lucas   26 Jun 1861
click to view detail Alexander Stanley de fere Hastings   26 Jun 1863
click to view detail Avern Frederick Morris   26 Jun 1863
click to view detail Algie James Mathew   23 Jun 1864
click to view detail Anderson Robert Chapman   23 Jun 1864
click to view detail Alexander James William   16 Jun 1865
click to view detail Andrews William   23 Jan 1868
click to view detail Adley Charles Coles   8 Oct 1868
click to view detail Apjohn James Henry   21 Dec 1868
click to view detail Alexander Peter Drummond   15 Jul 1869
click to view detail Atkins William   15 Jul 1869
click to view detail Ashhurst Francis Henry   4 Aug 1870
click to view detail Allen William   2 May 1876
click to view detail Anderson Tom Scott   10 Apr 1875
click to view detail Allan James   2 Dec 1872
click to view detail Allen Jeffrey Julian   26 Nov 1868
click to view detail Alington George Hildebrand   7 Apr 1869
click to view detail Adams Maxwell Richard William Piers   30 Nov 1871
click to view detail Andrews Henry John   7 Apr 1869
click to view detail Ashley William   2 Dec 1872
click to view detail Ayrton William Edward   1 Sep 1868
click to view detail     Assam Bengal Rly Co 26 Apr 1892
click to view detail     Assam Bengal Rly Co 16 Mar 1892
click to view detail     Assam Bengal Rly Co and Shepperds Pellys Scott Co 21 Mar 1892
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