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 Coimbatore Cemetery [FHT2015]
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Digital photographs of Graves and Headstone Inscriptions located at, Coimbatore Cemetery, Madras.
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Coimbatore Cemetery, Madras - Grave Transcriptions
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 47 results

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click to view detail DQuental [D'Quental] Iris   1991
click to view detail DQuental [D'Quental] Julia   1942
click to view detail DQuental [D'Quental] Tessie   1970
click to view detail DQuental [D'Quental] G A Mr 1919
click to view detail DQuental [D'Quental] Matilda   1936
click to view detail DQuental [D'Quental] Isabel   1980
click to view detail James Mary   1975
click to view detail Holland Charles Lieut 1854
click to view detail Thompson James MD 1854
click to view detail Sullivan Arthur Desmond   1866
click to view detail Kindersley Florence   1855
click to view detail Harrington William Civil and Session Judge 1849
click to view detail Wroughton Grace Georgina   1847
click to view detail Wright John Abraham Ensign 1847
click to view detail Walker Francis Cotton   1864
click to view detail Smith George   1854
click to view detail Wight Eliza Anne   1845
click to view detail Holland Henry John Coode   1843
click to view detail Morton Dorothea   1828
click to view detail Tucker Victor G BA 1950
click to view detail Hector Bibianna   1933
click to view detail Dixon Charles Henry   1931
click to view detail Hector Charles Antony   1929
click to view detail Hector Augustus   1926
click to view detail Alexander Emma   1918
click to view detail Alexander Charles   1921
click to view detail Maloney Lois Emma   1916
click to view detail Brown Clementina   1916
click to view detail Barnett Harriet   1911
click to view detail Denton William Frederick   1905
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