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 Suffolk Regimental Gazette
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Note: The personnel mentioned include many from other regiments, etc.

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Suffolk Record Office
77 Raingate Street
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 2AR

Telephone: 01284 741212
Email: bury.ro@suffolk.gov.uk
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Suffolk Regimental Gazette Index 1905
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134 Pages:  First Previous 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 ..73 ..77 ..83 ..96 Next Last

Displaying 1711 to 1740 of 4002 results

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click to view detail Turner J Pte  
click to view detail Hardingham E Pte  
click to view detail Richardson H Pte  
click to view detail Dunnett C Pte  
click to view detail Taylor E Pte  
click to view detail Clarke B Pte  
click to view detail Abbott J Pte  
click to view detail Goodfellow C Pte  
click to view detail Wilkins A Pte  
click to view detail Stollery W L/C  
click to view detail Rogers J Dmr  
click to view detail Ambrose R L/C  
click to view detail Rogers J Dmr  
click to view detail Ambrose R L/C  
click to view detail Edwards J Pte  
click to view detail Gaylor J Pte  
click to view detail Mattock H Pte  
click to view detail Lee G Pte  
click to view detail Taylor J Dmr  
click to view detail Orton A Pte  
click to view detail Mumford F Pte  
click to view detail Mayhew G L/C  
click to view detail Webb C Corpl  
click to view detail Segeant A Pte  
click to view detail Pearson J L/C  
click to view detail Forsdick C Pte  
click to view detail Doughty E C Captain  
click to view detail Sore H Pte  
click to view detail Redgell W Pte  
click to view detail Overland G Lce-Sergt  
134 Pages:  First Previous 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 ..73 ..77 ..83 ..96 Next Last
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