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 The Indian Mutiny Medal Roll (British Forces) 1857-1859.
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A collection of records from the Indian Mutiny Medal Roll of British Forces 1857-1859 listing those soldiers and officers of British and Indian units who were awarded the Indian Mutiny Medal.
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Transcription of Medal Roll Surnames Q-Z
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447 Pages:  First Previous 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 ..323 ..331 ..344 ..370 Next Last

Displaying 8731 to 8760 of 13385 results

Given Names(s) Click to sort by Given  Names(s)  Surname Click to sort by Surname  Rank Click to sort by Rank  Regiment or Ship Click to sort by Regiment or  Ship 
click to view detail Thomas Tracy Corporal 75th Foot
click to view detail William Trader Private 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade
click to view detail Henry Trafford Trafford Captain 43rd Foot (Monmouthshire Light Infantry)
click to view detail Israel Trafford Private 64th Foot (2nd Staffordshire)
click to view detail William Trail Private 74th Foot (Highland)
click to view detail Thomas Trainer Private 78th Foot (Highland)
click to view detail Edward Trainer Private 1st Madras Fusiliers
click to view detail John Trainor Private 1st Battalion 10th Foot (North Lincolnshire)
click to view detail John Trainor Private 82nd Foot (Prince of Wales's Volunteers)
click to view detail Peter Trainor Private 74th Foot (Highland)
click to view detail James Trairs Private 1st Battalion 60th Foot (King's Royal Rifle Corps)
click to view detail Robert Traise Sergeant 97th Foot (Earl of Ulster's)
click to view detail Samuel Traise Private 71st Foot (Highland Light Infantry)
click to view detail John Tranor Private 75th Foot
click to view detail John Trant Private 89th Foot
click to view detail Richard Tranter Private 1st Battalion 4th Foot (King's Own)
click to view detail John Trantham Trumpeter 12th Lancers (Prince of Wales's)
click to view detail Thomas Trapp Private 79th Foot (Cameron Highlanders)
click to view detail William Trassey Private 1st Battalion 6th Foot (1st Warwickshire)
click to view detail Thomas Tratmore Private 90th Foot (Perthshire Volunteers)
click to view detail Richard Traut Private 35th Foot (Royal Sussex)
click to view detail William Trautum Private 80th Foot (Staffordshire Volunteers)
click to view detail George Travel Sergeant 80th Foot (Staffordshire Volunteers)
click to view detail James Travelor Private 70th Foot (Surrey)
click to view detail Alfred Travers Private 3rd Battalion Rifle Brigade
click to view detail David Travers Private 38th Foot (1st Staffordshire)
click to view detail Frederick John Travers Captain & Brevet Major Royal Artillery Staff
click to view detail Henry Travers Private 1st Battalion 13th Foot (Prince Albert's Light Infantry)
click to view detail John Travers Private 8th Hussars (King's Royal Irish)
click to view detail Oates Joseph Travers Captain 70th Foot (Surrey)
447 Pages:  First Previous 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 ..323 ..331 ..344 ..370 Next Last
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