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 Cheltenham, UK - Census
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1851 census for Cheltenham, HO107/1973, and the neighbouring parishes of Charlton Kings and Leckhampton, which are both in /1972. It consists of individuals who were (1) born in the East Indies or (2) were in, or retired from, occupations to do with India or (3) spouses or widows of people in either (1) or (2).
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Cheltenham, Charlton Kings and Leckhampton - Census 1851
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Displaying 211 to 240 of 510 results

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click to view detail Gunning John 1836
click to view detail Gunning Lucy 1842
click to view detail Haile Emma 1838
click to view detail Hailes John 1792
click to view detail Hailes Mary 1804
click to view detail Hailes Mary 1831
click to view detail Hailes Caroline Ann 1833
click to view detail Hall Eliza J. 1787
click to view detail Hamilton Edward Ford 1791
click to view detail Hamilton Juliana 1801
click to view detail Hammersley Henry 1823
click to view detail Hammersley Caroline 1829
click to view detail Hammond Robert J. 1840
click to view detail Hamond William 1835
click to view detail Harington Marianne 1824
click to view detail Harris David 1789
click to view detail Harris Anna M. 1806
click to view detail Harrison John B. 1778
click to view detail Harrison Mary 1790
click to view detail Harrison Isabella 1822
click to view detail Harrison S. Maria 1845
click to view detail Harrison William C. 1846
click to view detail Hart G.H. 1840
click to view detail Hawkins Emily 1839
click to view detail Heathcote Harriett 1794
click to view detail Hewetson Eliza 1817
click to view detail Hewetson Charles 1839
click to view detail Hewetson William 1843
click to view detail Hewetson Edward 1847
click to view detail Hill Eliza Ann 1812
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