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 The Times of India
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Births, marriages, and deaths as reported in the Domestic Occurrences section of the Times of India newspaper. The years 1861-1865, 1867-1888 have been digitised and available to download on the findmypast website.
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Marriages 1893
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Displaying 31 to 60 of 342 results

Grooms Surname Click to sort by Grooms  Surname  First names Click to sort by First names  Brides Surname Click to sort by Brides  Surname  First names Click to sort by First names  Year Click to sort by Year  month   day Click to sort by day 
click to view detail Martin Francis A Roonan Eva C 1893 Apr 25
click to view detail Bracken William Alexander Frederick Aqilvit Maude Frances 1893 Apr 27
click to view detail Sealy John Sparkes Madden Florence Mary Rose 1893 Apr 29
click to view detail Williams Charles Sheldon Vardon Ida Arthurina 1893 Apr 26
click to view detail Brown W Hansen Annie 1893 Apr 26
click to view detail Keith William ……. McNeill Margaret Harvey 1893 Apr 19
click to view detail Prussia George Bates Walker Elizabeth Eyre 1893 Apr 25
click to view detail Unknown   Conley   1893 Apr  
click to view detail Powell Charles Kynaston Hook Lottie Bothing 1893 Apr 24
click to view detail Pitt Alfred Thomas Poole Isobel Jean 1893 Apr 20
click to view detail de Brett Edward Adolphus Foster Frances Elizabeth Mary 1893 Aug 1
click to view detail Baker Frederick James Arkell Blanche 1893 Aug 10
click to view detail Dains Herbert Henry Thorpe Mary 1893 Aug 10
click to view detail Moore Alexander Marrett Catherine Mary Matilda 1893 Aug 11
click to view detail Burbridge James Payton Dunlop Keating Jane Seympur 1893 Aug 5
click to view detail Alexander Henry Stirling Field Marian Elizabeth 1893 Aug 7
click to view detail Hogg TH Coombes Mary Margaret 1893 Aug 2
click to view detail MacMunn GF Watson Alice Emily 1893 Aug 7
click to view detail Armstrong Sydney Baird Alice Louise 1893 Aug 21
click to view detail Bingley AH Way Mabel Katherine 1893 Aug 19
click to view detail Casle Rowland Constantine Doran Amelia Adeline 1893 Aug 16
click to view detail Morris Robert Underwood Margaret Lily 1893 Aug 15
click to view detail Keeling Hugh Trowbridge Underwood Edith Madeline 1893 Aug 15
click to view detail Bentley Frederic Dadd Ada Burton 1893 Aug 10
click to view detail Lane-Ryan WJ Haslett Alice 1893 Aug 16
click to view detail Pemberton-Pigott Robert Edward Wilkinson Maude Alice 1893 Aug 26
click to view detail Oakes Montague Lewis Gibson HW 1893 Aug 15
click to view detail Latham Francis Law Maitland Clara 1893 Aug 16
click to view detail Mackenzie Alexander Elliot Mabel Elizabeth 1893 Aug 15
click to view detail Comins D Grimley Dora Violet 1893 Aug 28
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