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Cemetery & Memorials

Pictures and transcriptions of cemeteries and graves.

The Cemeteries & Memorials category is separated by Presidency; Bengal, Bombay, Madras. Each have sub-categories listing the many cemeteries that fall within the jurisdiction of these Presidencies. You will also see sub-categories for Outside India, BACSA, General Graves, MI's etc.

There is a wealth of information to be found here - much of it unique. The Inscriptions on these Graves have been painstakingly transcribed by our volunteers from photographs. Click Here to learn more about the FIBIS Cemeteries Project.

Please note that further pictures and details of individual gravestones may be found in the following web-sites:

A. http://www.bacsa.org.uk

B. http://www.indian-cemeteries.org

Please also check the FIBIwiki
click to expand More Details

click to hide Sub-classes
 ├ BACSA List records (5)
 ├ Bengal Presidency Subclasses exist
 ├ Bombay Presidency Subclasses exist
 ├ Burmese Cemeteries List records (5)
 ├ Madras Presidency Subclasses exist
 ├ Madras/Chennai List records (11)
 ├ Misc Lists, Graves, MIs List records (2)
 ├ Outside India Subclasses exist
 └ South Indian Cemeteries List records (2)

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