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Go to record Index of Indigo Planters - Bihar 1908 Index of Indigo Planters - Bihar 1908
 Index of Indigo Planters - Behar 1908 - C

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Date transcribed2011-00-00
Transcribed byAlison Kilpatrick
CommentIndex of Indigo Planters in Bihar taken from "History of Behar Indigo Factories; Reminiscences of Bihar; Tirhoot
and its inhabitants of the past.". by Minden Wilson 1908.

Surname  Cox    
Forename  James “Paddy”    
Chapter  Tirhoot and Its Inhabitants of the Past    
Sub-title  Biographical sketch: James Cox    
Page nos.  256    
Description  Remained at Dholi Factory for many years. While there, Cox and the author, Minden Wilson, “on several occasions went out into the Nepal Terai after tigers and managed to bag a fair number of bears, leopards and tigers with other smaller game. It was while out at a tiger party that he suddenly got ill; either the sun or heat had affected him, and he had to be brought back at once to Tirhoot.” Cox went home to Ireland, leaving Tirhoot in about March, 1861. During the time Studd managed Seryiah Factory and Cox at Dholi, the two concerns made a profit of an average of a lakh of rupees a year each. “Cox had bought shares in several indigo concerns, all of which did well. He also did a little speculation in horses, buying the undersized fillies from the Poosa Stud and selling them well.” Cox was a “capital companion, a good friend,” and “one of the leading planters of his day”—carrying on his factory work in the most systematic manner and managing with the utmost economy. Retired first to his old county of Kildare, where he married and soon afterwards, bought a very nice house in Cheltenham. Sold out most of his interest in indigo. Died at age 72 on 7th August 1892, leaving a wife and children. “His nephew, George Toomey, who had come out to him in 1856, and to whom he was very much attached, took over charge of Dholi and did well there.”    
Indexer Notes  (1) A lakh is equal to a hundred thousand. (2) See also index entries for “Cox, James”, and “Cox, Mr.”    
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Index of Indigo Planters in Bihar taken from "History of Behar Indigo Factories; Reminiscences of Bihar; Tirhoot
and its inhabitants of the past. History of Behar Light Horse
Volunteers". by Minden Wilson 1908.
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