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 Index of Indigo Planters - Behar 1908 - C

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Date transcribed2011-00-00
Transcribed byAlison Kilpatrick
CommentIndex of Indigo Planters in Bihar taken from "History of Behar Indigo Factories; Reminiscences of Bihar; Tirhoot
and its inhabitants of the past.". by Minden Wilson 1908.

Surname  Wilson    
Forename  Minden J.    
Chapter  Tirhoot and Its Inhabitants of the Past    
Sub-title  Biographical sketch: William C. Baddeley    
Page nos.  271    
Description  Wilson wrote that Mrs. William C. Baddeley died “not very long ago.”    
Indexer Notes  Though this book was published in 1908, it appears that the author, Minden J. Wilson, wrote its four major sections at different times. For example, the second section, entitled “Reminiscences of Behar”, was published previously in 1887 by Thacker, Spink and Company in Calcutta. Wilson’s remark that Mrs. Baddeley had died “not very long ago” appears in the third section entitled, “Tirhoot and its Inhabitants of the Past.” Wilson used this phrase again in this section, when he stated that John Stalkart “died not very long ago” [pg. 247]. The latest date cited by the author in the ninety-one pages comprising this section was 1901 [the year in which Simon Nicolson died, p. 303]. Thus, it appears that Wilson completed work on this section sometime between 1901 and 1908. Without reference to the civil registration documents that recorded the deaths of Mrs. Baddeley and John Stalkart, it seems likely that these deaths occurred from a point several years before 1901 to 1908, inclusive.    
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Index of Indigo Planters in Bihar taken from "History of Behar Indigo Factories; Reminiscences of Bihar; Tirhoot
and its inhabitants of the past. History of Behar Light Horse
Volunteers". by Minden Wilson 1908.
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