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 Register of Students Admitted to The Royal Indian Engineering College Coopers Hill 1871-1906

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Date transcribed2012-05-21
Transcribed byRobert Charnock
CommentVol 1 F.W. Abbatt to RHE Hutton-Squire

At a meeting of the Coopers Hill Society in 1959 the lack of any biographical record of students admitted to the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill, was discussed. This register is an attempt to complete a record. It may be regarded as an appendix to ‘A Short History of the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill’ by J.G.P. Cameron, C.I.E., issued by the Coopers Hill Society for private circulation in 1960.

The names of the students admitted have been taken from the calendars published annually by authority and preserved in the library of the India Office, Whitehall. The biographical details have been compiled mainly from information in the magazines mentioned on page 28 of Cameron’s History.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "LOWIS" in "Register of Students Admitted to The Royal Indian Engineering College Coopers Hill 1871-1906 " Surname  LOWIS    
Given names  Frank Currie    
Awards  CIE (1914)    
Birth  15 November 1872    
Marr  1925    
Wifes name  Marjorie Isabella Bucknall    
Fathers name  E.E. Lowis, Bengal Civil Service    
Children  1 son, 1 daughter    
Primary Education  Sherborne    
Term at CH  1893-96    
Academic achievements  Passed for the Indian Public Service as assistant engineer    
Career  Posted to Burma. Executive engineer 1907. On special duty Semtur Lauhhaung road 1911. Accompanied Hpimarr Expedition 1913. Constructed Putaw Frontier road 1914.    
Military & War Service  WW1 Indian Army Reserve, appointed 2nd Lieut. Attached to 10th Gurkhas. Major road construction S. Persia 1917-18. Lieut. Col. 1919    
Retirement  Retired 1921. Engaged in poultry and pig farming in Hampshire    
Other  First man in Burma to secure a tarkin. Extract from a letter from F.C. Lowis dated 27.3.1962 'the tarkin is, I believe, a species of antelope; it is about the size of a yearling heifer and the same build with hooves like a cow. It is extraordinary how they get about in the mountain precipices which they live in just below the snow line at 8000-9000ft. My highest camp was 1650ft when I was on a 'hush hush' mission for the Gov't. of Burma to find out what the Chinese were doing on the Burma-China border of the Kachin Hills. I was camped on a pass 2000ft above the Salween river on the divide between the Irrawaddy and the Salween basins. Among my other activities during the war I raised the 1st Bn. Kachin Rifles from the various tribes in the Kachin Hills with which I had got very friendly in constructing the Htawgaw road, as I used nothing but local labour. To illustrate what they were like - one man came down with the shoulder blade of an ox fitted with a bamboo handle to dig with. The greater number of them had never seen a white man before. I got on like a house on fire with them and had as many as 500 working for me.' Engaged in poultry and pig farming in Hampshire. Address (1962) Ford House, Stockland, Honiton, Devon    
Ref  Coopers Hill Mag. X 13 p148    
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