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 Register of Students Admitted to The Royal Indian Engineering College Coopers Hill 1871-1906

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Date transcribed2012-05-21
Transcribed byRobert Charnock
CommentVol 1 F.W. Abbatt to RHE Hutton-Squire

At a meeting of the Coopers Hill Society in 1959 the lack of any biographical record of students admitted to the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill, was discussed. This register is an attempt to complete a record. It may be regarded as an appendix to ‘A Short History of the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill’ by J.G.P. Cameron, C.I.E., issued by the Coopers Hill Society for private circulation in 1960.

The names of the students admitted have been taken from the calendars published annually by authority and preserved in the library of the India Office, Whitehall. The biographical details have been compiled mainly from information in the magazines mentioned on page 28 of Cameron’s History.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "SHADBOLT" in "Register of Students Admitted to The Royal Indian Engineering College Coopers Hill 1871-1906 " Surname  SHADBOLT    
Given names  Ernest Ifill    
Birth  15 July 1851    
Death  16 June 1936, aged 84 yrs    
Primary Education  Privately    
Term at CH  1871-74    
Academic achievements  Passed for the Indian Public Service as assistant engineer.    
Career  Posted to State Railways. Construction of Indore-Dhond Manmad & Bhopal State Railway. Construction Sind Pishin Railway. Construction Kathiawar Railway, Bhavangar & Gondal States. Construction of the Kotri Rohri Bridge over the Indus, one of the greatest contemporary bridge projects. Senior inspector of railways and Secretary to Madras Gov't 1902. Director Railway construction of India 1904.    
Other  After retirement - vice chairman Metropolitan Public Gardens Assocn. He was a pianist, violinist, actor, gardener and tree lover. He began to learn the violin late in life. After years of hard study he lost a finger of his left hand. Undeterred, he had a violin made with the strings reversed so that he could finger with his right hand and bow with his left. A confirmed bachelor, he standardised his wardrobe, replacing a worn suit with a new one of identical pattern. He limited his possessions to what could be packed in a fixed number of similar boxes. Letters were opened with a paper knife and placed under a paper weight until dealt with. ""I hate to see an envelope opened as if by explosion"". A generous charming and gifted personality; shy, retiring and altogether lovable. One of the Trustees of the Coopers Hill Society.    
Ref  Obit Coopers Hill Mag. XII 34    
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