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Go to record Gentlemans Magazine Gentlemans Magazine
 Death Announcements 1845-1854

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Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  Taylor    
First names  Charles Cyril    
Rank / occupation  Lieut.-col.    
View all other items of "Unit" with value "HM 29th Regiment" in "Death Announcements 1845-1854" Unit  HM 29th Regiment    
Death date  10 Feb 1846    
Place of death  Sobraon    
Source  Gentleman's Magazine    
Date  May 1846    
Page number  540    
Detail  Officers slain in India. In the Battle of Sobraon, Feb. 10. Aged 41, Lieut.-Colonel Charles Cyril Taylor, C.B. of H.M. 29th regiment, commanding the 3d Brigade of the 2d Division. He was son of Lieut.-Col. Taylor, of the 20th Light Dragoons, who was killed in the battle of Vimiera. Captain C.C. Taylor commanded the light company of the 20th Foot in the expedition against Kolapore in 1827-28; served on the frontier during the Canadian rebellion, where, in the successful attack of a village occupied by the rebels, he rendered an important service; commanded a brigade of infantry during in the actions of the 18th, 21st, and 22d, of December, 1845, wherein he was wounded; commanded the troops met to keep up the communication between Sir Harry Smith and the main army, whilst the former was engaged in the operations which led to the battle of Aliwal; and a brigade of infantry at the battle of Sobraon, where he fell. His death is thus announced by Sir Henry Hardinge:- ""The army has sustained a heavy loss by the death of Brigadier Taylor, a most able officer, and very worthy to have been at the head of so distinguished a corps as Her Majesty's 29th Regiment, by which he was beloved and respected;"" and thus by Sir Hugh Gough:- ""Brigadier Taylor (C.B.), one of the most gallant and intelligent officers of the army, who whom I have felt deeply indebted on many occasions, fell in this fight at the head of his brigade, in close encounter with the enemy, and covered with honourable wounds."" He was appointed Lieut.-Col. in the army June 16, 1837, and Lieut.-Col. of the 29th reg. June 30, 1843.     
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