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Go to record Gentlemans Magazine Gentlemans Magazine
 Death Announcements 1845-1854

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Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  De Vitré    
First names  John Denis    
Rank / occupation  Lieutenant    
View all other items of "Unit" with value "Royal Navy" in "Death Announcements 1845-1854" Unit  Royal Navy    
Death date  29 Dec 1846    
Place of death  Lancaster    
Source  Gentleman's Magazine    
Date  Feb 1847    
Page number  219    
Detail  At Lancaster, aged 89, John Denis De Vitré, esq. Lieut. in Her Majesty's Royal Navy, and late of West Knoll, Cumberland, for many years the oldest Lieut. in Her Majesty's service. In 1781, when Lieut. of the Chaser, 18-gun ship, and whilst cruising off the Madras coast, she was fallen in with by the Bologna, French frigate, of 36 guns, and, after engaging her in a severe but unequal contest for two hours and upwards, was compelled to surrender. For four months the officers of the Chaser were kept as prisoners of war on board the French vessel, but were afterwards unjustifiably transferred to the tender mercies of Hyder Ali, under whom it is well known all English prisoners were most cruelly treated. Lieut. De Vitré was chiefly confined in a loathsome dungeon at Bangalore, but was occasionally marched under a vertical sun to other places of confinement, whilst heavily laden with irons. He was subjected to these cruelties for nearly two years, and it is believed that he was the last survivor of all the British prisoners who had been in confinement under the tyrant Hyder Ali, or his still more inhuman and perfidious successor, Tippoo Sultan.    
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