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Go to record Gentlemans Magazine Gentlemans Magazine
 Death Announcements 1845-1854

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Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  Manson    
First names  James    
Rank / occupation  Brigadier-General    
Death date  23 Feb 1852    
Place of death  Bombay    
Source  Gentleman's Magazine    
Date  July 1852    
Page number  105    
Detail  At Bombay, Brigadier-General James Manson, C.B. He had been nearly forty-two years in India, and at the time of his death was in command of the Scinde division of the army, having previously held a similar command at Poona. He was present at the storm and capture of the Fort of Chya, April 13th, 1811; was severely wounded through the knee, when serving with Colonel Elrington's detachment against Pahlunpore and Deesa, Oct. 1807; served throughout the Mahratta war of 1817-18, and with the Guzerat division of the army of the Deccan, at the siege of Asseerghur, March and April, 1819; the attack of Nugger Parkur, 25th Feb. 1820; the escalade of Dwarka, 26th Nov. 1820; and the attack on Meeteallah, 1st Feb. 1821. He became Commandant of Artillery, 16 Feb. 1846.     
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