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Go to record Hanoverian Regiments 1789 Hanoverian Regiments 1789
 14th Hanoverian Regiment 1789

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Date transcribed2102-00-00
Transcribed byLen Metzner (Anlo-German FHS)
CommentThese data are taken from TNA WO12/10812, the Muster List of the 14th Hanoverian regiment in India on 24th December 1789. It is noteworthy that after the end of their service, many men opted to seve in the East India Company's Madras Army rather than to return to Europe. Further details of them can be found in the Madras Army Muster Lists.

Thanks are due to Peter Towey & Len Metzner and the Anglo-German Family History Society for their permission to publish these data.

Surname  Ruller    
First Name  James    
Rank  Private    
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In the late eighteenth century in India, under the threat of attack by the French during the American War of Independence, the East India Company sought the help of two regiments of the British army. The English War Office was unable to accede to these requests, so the Company appealed to King George III, as Elector of Hanover, to send them two regiments of Hanoverian soldiers. To this, he agreed and sent to India the 14th and 15th Regiments of the Hanoverian Army.
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