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 Inscriptions Volume 1

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Date transcribed2013-04-15
Transcribed byRobert Charnock

View all other items of "Surname" with value "BILLAMORE" in "Inscriptions Volume 1" Surname  BILLAMORE    
Given Names  Robert Ashmead    
Deceased Rank  Lieut & Adjutant    
Deceased Occupation  1st Battn 10th Regt Bombay N I    
Death Date  7 May 1818    
Age  23 yrs    
Inscription  Sacred to the Memory of Robert Ashmead Billamore, Lieut & Adjutant 1st Battn 10th Regt. Bombay N.I. and Persian Interpreter to Poona Subsiduary Force, who on 7 May 1818 resigned a life eminently distunguished for rectitude, principals and zeal for his profession. The tenour of his career commanded universal respect and esteem and the melancholy loss to his family and friends ever must continue a source of the deepest affliction, for in him they mourn a dutiful son, an affectionate brother, and a warm and faithful friend. He fell a sacrifice to the ardent zeal he so conspicuously displayed in the late Mahrattan War in the Deckan, and in the 24 year of his age    
View all other items of "Church /  Cemetery" with value "Jalna Cemetery" in "Inscriptions Volume 1" Church / Cemetery  Jalna Cemetery    
Notes  This cemetery contains many uninscribed graves    
Source  Typed    
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The data reproduced here was accumulated over many years by the late genealogists Lt.-Col Hubert Kendall Percy-Smith, FSG, and Brigadier Humphry Bullock, CIE, OBE, who realized the need to gather records of persons who served in British India as gravestone inscriptions were already subject to damage and erosion. They gathered them from a variety of sources published about the sub-continent, from church records, by transcribing records of gravestones, etc. The co-operation between these two gentlemen was very close and it is difficult, on many occasions, to determine which of them was responsible for the differing details of their work.

On his death, Lt.-Col. Percy-Smith bequeathed his work to the National Army Museum who subsequently made a gift of it to BACSA, the 'British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia'. BACSA have most kindly licensed us to reproduce their holdings here. Brigadier Bullock's daughter, Mrs Anne Macdonald, has generously given us to permission to publish his work.

It may be pointed out that Percy-Smith and Bullock endeavoured to compile service histories and even pedigrees using their source material. Their data in this respect is included in our transcriptions but it should be understood that it represents deductions made by these two gentlemen.

It should also be pointed out that some of their data may have been obtained directly, or otherwise, from the same sources that we present elsewhere. This may, of course, result in duplication which we trust will be acceptable to researchers
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