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 PCC Adminstrations relating to India 1840 - 1857

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed bySteve van Dulken
CommentIf duty was payable, this was entered in the Legacy Duty Registers. These are referenced by the IR number.

Surname  Tillett    
First Names  Pharoah    
Date  23 Feb 1843    
Source Repository  The National Archives    
TNA Reference   PROB 6/219, IR 26/257    
Entry   of Port Louis, island of Mauritius, Chief Engineer of the colonial steamer Prince Albert, bach. [d 6 Jan 1842, to William Tillett of 326 Rotherhithe St, Rotherhithe, Surrey, engineer the father, Estate Duty Registers], £200, Pts    
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