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 1840 Serampore Census

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Date transcribed2014-12-29
Transcribed bySylvia Murphy
CommentThis data set is a transcription of the census of the European portion of Serampore, (also known as Fredriksnagore) and still Danish Territory in 1840 when the census was taken. All residents, including natives, recorded as living in the area are included. The entire population of Serampore was much large, but no attempt was made to transcribe or index those portions of the town where there were no residents thought to have British or European origins. Columns A (ID), F (Household No), G (Person No) and R (Comment) were added by Sylvia Murphy to assist in the identification and grouping of households etc. The source document used for this project was on LDS microfilm 39196 from original records held in the Danish Archives in Copenhagen. The data-set was prepared in 2007 for a Local History study towards an Advanced Diploma in Local History (Oxford). It is entirely the work of Sylvia Murphy and should not be reproduced without permission or reference to her.
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View all other items of "Page #" with value "2" in "1840 Serampore Census" Page #  2    
View all other items of "Thannah" with value "Tantiparah" in "1840 Serampore Census" Thannah  Tantiparah    
View all other items of "Ground #" with value "217" in "1840 Serampore Census" Ground #  217    
House description  Lower Roomed Puckah    
View all other items of "Household  No" with value "4" in "1840 Serampore Census" Household No  4    
View all other items of "Person  No" with value "12" in "1840 Serampore Census" Person No  12    
View all other items of "Family  Name" with value "Baker" in "1840 Serampore Census" Family Name  Baker    
Given Name  Lucy Edmond    
View all other items of "Gender" with value "F" in "1840 Serampore Census" Gender  F    
View all other items of "Caste or  Race" with value "European" in "1840 Serampore Census" Caste or Race  European    
Age  2    
Marital Status  Unmarried    
View all other items of "Religion" with value "Protestant" in "1840 Serampore Census" Religion  Protestant    
Relationship  daughter of Mr J Baker    
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