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Go to record Asiatic Annual Register  Asiatic Annual Register
 Deaths 1798-99

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Date transcribed2015-00-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey

Surname  Cooke    
First Name(s)  Edward    
Date of Death  23 May 1799    
Location  Chouringhee    
Full Entry  23 May 1799, at the house of T. Muir, Esq. Chouringhee, after a painful and lingering illness, in consequence of the wound he received in the engagement between La Sybille and La Forte, on the 1st of March, in Balasore Roads, Edward Cooke, Esq. Post-Captain in the Royal Navy, and Commander of his Majesty's ship La Forte. Little of our humble praise is required to the memory of an officer so honoured, and of a man so beloved: the glory of his own splendid achievement, as it was his highest reward, so it is his noblest encomium, and the affection of his friends, which formed the happiness of his life, is the best tribute that can be offered to his virtues. The merits of distinguished characters are indeed seldom disseminated with due impartiality; but by the praises which have been bestowed on him for whom we now mourn the voice of friendship and the language of truth are the same; and the faithful page of history will transmit his name to posterity with undiminished lustre.    
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Lists of "Domestic Occurrences" being records of Births, Marriages & Deaths transcribed from the Asiatic Annual Register.
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