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Go to record North Park Street Burial Ground North Park Street Burial Ground
 North Street Burial Ground, Calcutta - Part 1

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Date transcribed2015-08-12
Transcribed byPeter Bailey

Cemetery  North Park Street Burial Ground    
Page  177    
Surname  Graham    
Forename(s)  Thomas Henry    
Year of Death  1800    
Inscription  To the Memory of Thomas Henry Graham, son of Thomas Graham, Esq., (late a Member of the Supreme Council in Bengal) who fell gloriously in an action between the Honorable East India Company's Ship ""Kent"" and a French privateer in the mouth of the Ganges, on the 7th of October 1800, the day on which he completed the sixteenth year of his age. Tho' his terrestrial career was thus short, it displayed a great and varied excellence, endowed with superior talents he cultivated them, with unwearied industry and amiable manners which secured the friendship of his associates. The premature close of a life so full of promises was honored by sincere and general sorrows, and his afflicted parent, to whom after a long separation he was about to be restored with all the accomplishments of a liberal education, and under whose eye he was about to commence his duties as a Civil Servant on the Honorable Company's Bengal Establishment, hath erected this Memorial to perpetuate the remembrance of a son so deservedly the object of his affection and regret.    
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