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Go to record St Johns Church Trichinopoly - Burial Registers St Johns Church Trichinopoly - Burial Registers
 St Johns Church Burial Register 1810-1834

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Date transcribed2016-02-00
Transcribed byElaine Macregor
CommentI have transcribed each entry as accurately as I can which you will find under the under the heading Full Register Details, The rest of the fields are for easy searching - e.g. First Name, Surname, Fathers Name, Mothers Name, Occupation, Rank etc. No doubt you will find typing errors, despite my proof reading it twice. Please advise me if you do find any errors so that they may be corrected. Where I am not sure of a name, or a spelling I have put a ? . I have used square brackets [ ] where I have made a suggestion - e.g. [Cat]herine Most of the Register consists of three entries to a page and each photo reflects these entries.

Copyright Elaine MacGregor. All rights reserved.

Full Register Details  On this 2nd day of July, 1824, James Hoey, Acting Corporal in H.M. Royal Regt. Aged 26 Years, was buried at Trichinopoly,by the Lieut. Campbell as certified By me Jos Wright, Chaplain at Trichinopoly    
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Page No  135    
Year Interred or Buried  1824    
Month Buried  July    
Day Buried  2    
Interred or Buried By  CAMPBELL, Lieut as ceertified by Jos.Wright, Chaplain    
Age in Years  26    
Approx Year of Birth  1798    
Year Died  1824    
Approx Month Died  June-July    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "HOEY" in "St Johns Church Burial Register 1810-1834" Surname  HOEY    
First Name  James    
Sex  M    
View all other items of "Occupation" with value "HM Royal Regt" in "St Johns Church Burial Register 1810-1834" Occupation  HM Royal Regt    
Rank  Acting Corporal    
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St Johns Church Registers for Burials at Trichinopoly, Madras
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