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 Ferozepore Gawal Mandi

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Date transcribed2016-00-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey

This is one of the graveyards for which FIBIS commissioned Mr Rajat Sharma to take photographs and details of all legible headstones. All inscriptions are included wherever they are legible.

If you would like to order copies of photographs of any headstone listed in this index please make a note of the Gravestone Reference Number and order copies on our Cemeteries Project page where you will also find more details about this exciting project.

Image Ref:  416    
Photos  1124 1125 1126 1127 1128    
Surname  Clarke    
First Name  Margret Matilda    
Date of Death  26 Dec 1926    
Age at Death  65 y. 5 m. 26 d.    
Inscription  Our darling mother Margret Matilda Clarke, who was called to her eternal rest on the 22nd December 1926, aged 65 years 5 months & 26 days. -- In Christ shall we all be made alive. -- The night that leaves us on today, though dark it ever seems to be is like the grave which changes death to glorious immortality. -- And ever near us, though unseen, the dear immortal spirits tread; for all the boundless universe is life, there is no death. -- And with the morn those angel faces smile which we have loved long since but lost a while.-- Erected by her sorrowing children.    
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