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Go to record Fatehgarh Fatehgarh

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Date transcribed2016-10-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey

This is one of the graveyards for which FIBIS commissioned Mr Rajat Sharma to take photographs and details of all legible headstones. All inscriptions are included wherever they are legible.

If you would like to order copies of photographs of any headstone listed in this index please make a note of the Gravestone Reference Number and order copies on our Cemeteries Project page where you will also find more details about this exciting project.

Gravestone Ref:  7    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Goldie" in "Fatehgarh" Surname  Goldie    
Rank  Mrs. & 3 daughters    
Inscription  Lieut. Henderson; Ensign Byrne: Mr Wrixen Senr.; Mr. Wrixen Junr. ; Serjeant Redman, wife & two children; Capt. Vibart, 2nd Cavalry; Serjeant Best, wife and three children; Pensioners Mr. & Mrs Bosco; Mr Faulkner & Family; -- Mr. Alexander; M & M Cuise; M & M Elliott and five children; Two Misses Rays; M & M Joyce and four children; Mr. & Mrs. R Brierly and two children; Two Misses Brierly; Dhonkul Purshaw and Family; Col. & Mrs. Goldie and 3 daughters; Mr. & Mrs. Thornhill C.S., two children and Nancy Lang Servant; Revd. Mr. & Mrs. Fisher & Child; Doctor & Mrs. Heathcote and two children; Lieut & Mrs. Monckton B.E. and child; Miss Sturt; Merchants Mr. & Mrs. Sutherland, two daughters and one boy; Mr. & Mrs. Ives & daughter; - Serjt. & Mrs. Roach and two children; Missionaries Mr. & Mrs. Campbell and two children; Mr. & Mrs. Johnston; Mr. & Mrs. MacMullen; Mr. & Mrs. Freeman; -- Mr. & Mrs. Palmer, Deputy Magistrate and nine chuildren; Miss Finlay; M & M Kew and Family, Postmaster; Mr. & Mrs. Shiels, School Master and two children.     
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Indexes to Photographs of Gravestones and Monumental Inscriptions.
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