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 Memorials of Old Haileybury College

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed byBenda Cook
CommentPublication Date: 1894
Author: F. C. Danvers, Sir M Monier -Williams, Sir S. C. Bayley, P. Wigram, the late Brand Sapte, and many contributors.
Publisher Constable & Co.: Westminster
British Library: OIR 354.54 Held in the Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections.
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No.  867    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Campbell" in "Memorials of Old Haileybury College" Surname  Campbell    
Christian Names  John Scarlett    
Dates at Haileybury  1845-47    
1st Term  Mathematics Prize    
2nd Term  Hist & Pol Econ Prize    
Presidency  Bengal    
Career in India  1847-78    
Annuitant  1878    
Final Appointment 1  Judicial Commissioner C[entral] P[rovinces] 1866; Judge of Chief Court Punjab 1873    
Mutiny Service  Was Joint Magistrate of Moradabad. A fuller account of what passed here up to June 3 will be found under C. B. Saunders, but Campbell took part in the attack on, and disarming of, the Sappers and Miners from Roorkee. On May 29 he was out with 50 Sowars against a large body of Gujars ; and he was throughout actively employed in keeping as much order as possible. When the whole party were forced to retire to Meerut, Campbell was sent to Baghpat to keep the bridge there and maintain communication between Meerut and Dehli. This he did for some, time, but, when the troop of Dragoons there was temporarily absent escorting wounded men to Meerut, the insurgents seized the opportunity and drove Campbell into the camp before Dehli. He returned with a party of the Jhind troops, but after a time they retired to Dehli and he was forced to go with them. After three weeks he returned to Meerut, and had a narrow escape, for no sooner had they arrived there than his escort of Native Cavalry rode off and joined the rebels at Dehli. Campbell returned to Dehli on its capture, and was then sent to restore order first in the Rohtuck District and afterwards in the confiscated State of Jhajjar. The hard work here was much increased by the necessity of accompanying the troops on the watch against an inroad by Tantia Topi and the Gwalior Contingent.    
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