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 Memorials of Old Haileybury College

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed byBenda Cook
CommentPublication Date: 1894
Author: F. C. Danvers, Sir M Monier -Williams, Sir S. C. Bayley, P. Wigram, the late Brand Sapte, and many contributors.
Publisher Constable & Co.: Westminster
British Library: OIR 354.54 Held in the Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections.
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No.  973    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Cockerell" in "Memorials of Old Haileybury College" Surname  Cockerell    
Christian Names  Henry Edmund    
Dates at Haileybury  1850-52    
Presidency  Bengal    
Career in India  1853-57    
Place of Death  Killed at Banda    
Date of Death  1857    
Final Appointment 1  Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector of Karwi    
Mutiny Service  Joint Magistrate of Banda, and stationed at the outpost of Kirwee. He was repeatedly written to by Mayne, the Magistrate, to come into Banda, he being the only Englishman at Kirwee. But he felt in honour bound to remain at his post, to which he held fast till Mayne sent a small escort to conduct him to Banda. He then very reluctantly started, though he saw that it was utterly useless to remain alone where he was. Before he could reach Banda, Mayne and his party had to fly for their lives, the Nawab's men having broken out, and Cockerell only reached the gates of the Palace to be murdered by these very men. His pluck, and what he unselfishly considered his duty, cost him his life. Only four years in the Service, he was a bright example of a brave young Englishman.    
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