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 Memorials of Old Haileybury College

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed byBenda Cook
CommentPublication Date: 1894
Author: F. C. Danvers, Sir M Monier -Williams, Sir S. C. Bayley, P. Wigram, the late Brand Sapte, and many contributors.
Publisher Constable & Co.: Westminster
British Library: OIR 354.54 Held in the Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections.
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No.  1039    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Colvin" in "Memorials of Old Haileybury College" Surname  Colvin    
Christian Names  James Colquhoun    
Dates at Haileybury  1853-54    
Presidency  Bengal    
Career in India  1855-77    
Annuitant  1877    
Final Appointment 1  Magistrate and Collector of Aligarh    
Mutiny Service  Assistant Magistrate at Arrah at the outbreak of the Mutiny. The troops at Dinapore mutinying seriously affected the Arrah District, and Wake, the Magistrate, alive to the position, at once barricaded one of the houses in the station, laid in provisions, and prepared for the attack. The defence of Arrah against large bodies of mutineers and the followers of Kooer Singh was one of the most gallant affairs in the mutiny. Colvin served with the garrison, which, against the most fearful odds, bravely and successfully defied the besiegers. They were at last relieved by Major Vincent Eyre, the siege having lasted from July 27 to August 2. The garrison joined the relieving force and at once marched against Kooer Singh, and drove him from his stronghold in the Jagdaspore jungles. Colvin subsequently saw much active service against the rebels, especially against Kooer Singh after he was driven across the Ganges from Oudh and returned to his native country.    
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