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 Memorials of Old Haileybury College

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed byBenda Cook
CommentPublication Date: 1894
Author: F. C. Danvers, Sir M Monier -Williams, Sir S. C. Bayley, P. Wigram, the late Brand Sapte, and many contributors.
Publisher Constable & Co.: Westminster
British Library: OIR 354.54 Held in the Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections.
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No.  781    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Watson" in "Memorials of Old Haileybury College" Surname  Watson    
Christian Names  William Christian    
Dates at Haileybury  1842-43    
Presidency  Bengal    
Career in India  1844-57    
Place of Death  Died in India [Agra]    
Date of Death  1857 [Jul]    
Final Appointment 1  Senior Assistant Kumaun [Magistrate of Allygarh]    
Mutiny Service  Magistrate of Allygarh. At the time of the outbreak the force present at Allygarh consisted of 300 men of the 9th Native Infantry. Watson, who, though hard pressed himself, sent half a company of the 9th Regiment to assist the Magistrate of Bulundshahr, held his own under very difficult circumstances till May 20, when the regiment mutinied, burned the Station and carried off 3 lacs of treasure to Dehli. Watson and the Officers (the ladies and children having previously been sent in to Agra) retired on Hatras, a town on the road to Agra, where they remained till May 26, when they were relieved by a body of Volunteers under Greathed of the Engineers and escorted back to Allygarh. Watson's position was one of the greatest danger, owing to the constant passing of mutinous regiments to Dehli. He, however, maintained, at all events a semblance of, authority till July 2, when, driven out by overwhelming numbers, he and his party retired to the fort at Agra, where he shortly afterwards died of cholera.    
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