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 Winchester College Register 1836-1906

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Date transcribed2017-02-23
Transcribed byStephen Van Dulken
Comment"Winchester College 1836-1906: a Register", by John B. Wainewright, published 1906, freely available online at https://archive.org/details/winchestercolleg00wincuoft . The data in the original varies and is often very detailed. Ranks and units stated reflect those held in India.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Villiers" in "Winchester College Register 1836-1906" Surname  Villiers    
Given names  Evelyn Fountaine    
View all other items of "Year entered" with value "1889" in "Winchester College Register 1836-1906" Year entered  1889    
View all other items of "Year of birth" with value "1875" in "Winchester College Register 1836-1906" Year of birth  1875    
Rank  Captain    
View all other items of "Unit" with value "Royal Sussex Regiment" in "Winchester College Register 1836-1906" Unit  Royal Sussex Regiment    
Father's given names  Charles    
View all other items of "Rank" with value "Clergyman" in "Winchester College Register 1836-1906" Rank  Clergyman    
View all other items of "Unit or locality" with value "Church of England" in "Winchester College Register 1836-1906" Unit or locality  Church of England    
Page reference  492    
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